събота, 6 май 2017 г.

Well, well. "Immortal vampire" injured in the land of vampire slayers

Did you remember the conspirasy theory claiming that Nicolas Cage is an immortal vampire?

Crazy conspiracy theorists think that Nicolas Cage is an immortal vampire … and here’s why

It is all based on one old picture.

And did you know Bulgaria used to be a place where people made sure the dead would not come as vampires? Over 100 graves have been uncovered, revealing skeletons with stakes through their hearts and mutilated bones.

Bulgaria’s Vampire Graveyards

What's the connection between these two articles? Well, something interesting happened at the end of April. It seems quite ordinary but as always we can make a very rich story from it.

Freak accident’ in Bulgaria: Nicolas Cage breaks ankle during movie shoot

After what was described as a “freak accident”, the very active actor was taken to a hospital in Sofia. While the doctors on site wanted to take him to surgery, Nicolas Cage insisted to be flown to Los Angeles, which is where he is now. He basically ran away. Why? Probably he was not sure how good bulgarian doctors are. Or...or he was afraid from something. Who knows maybe vampire hunters are still around in Bulgaria and the accident was not an accident at all....

(picture taken from www.costumemodels.com)