вторник, 31 октомври 2017 г.

Sequel to a previous case: Possible UFO encounter and strange animal behavior

This story was told to me by a young reader of my bulgarian blog "Misterika". I am receiving readers accounts every month but this is one of the most intriguing cases that I ever came across.

That girl first appeared as a reader of my blog around 2015. Her young age (16 at that time) was not a suprise as a lot of teenagers are visiting Misterika thanks to the ghost stories. She was persecuted by vivid nightmares almost every night. We (me and other readers) tried to help her by giving her some advices how to get a better sleep and get rid of nightmares. It seemed that nothing works (or only worked for a short period of time).

Then at the end of 2016 something strange happened. I have described it here:

Next months nothing extraordinary happened to this reader of mine. It seemed that things are getting back to normal. Up until end of September / beggining of October. The girl did not remember the exact date as she told me what happened weeks later (at that time I was in very bad condition and even had a surgery so I lost contact with most of my readers for some time).

This is her story.

That evening I was angry for something (I don't remember the reason now) and I went out to sit on the stairs. One of my cats immediately came to me and laid near my feets. This cat always come to me because when she was small I managed to join her to other cats and they stopped chasing her. At one time I noticed that the cat is looking at the direction of the centre of the village. I live on a place that is somehow elevated and some things can be seen from here - like the local school. At first I did not pay attention to the cat but she continued to stare at that direction so I looked too. What I saw was something like an aeroplane, or at first I decided that this is an aeroplane because of the lights. But when this "aeroplane" almost reached the roof of the school it started to move backwards and then disappeared. I thought that it might be hidden behind one of the trees but the first time this object passed the trees I saw it was not small enough to hid behind them. I waited about 5 minutes but this "plane" did not appear ever again.
From that evening the cat is acting strange. Every morning as I am going to school that cat is coming with me. First several days she was accompaning me only some distance away from my house but now she is coming to the centre of the village where she waits until I catch my bus and then she goes back home (note: this girl is not studing in the local school, she is traveling to the nearby big city). One day the cat tried to stop me with every possible trick, she even laid on front of me and I almost miss my bus. That day was awful, did the cat knew what was coming? But this is not all. That cat is acting so nice to me only at the morning when I am going to school around 5:00. That cat was always with me before and always cuddled to me every time I sat somewhere. From the appearance of the "aeroplane" this cat is acting very coldly toward me most of the time and always looks around as if she is expecting something. In the few times she laid to me, she did not relax, she was always on the alert. I noticed that cat sometimes sits at the corner of the terrace looking for a long time in the direction of the village centre.


This was the story of my reader. First let me say that I believe that this case is real and not a reader's fantasy. Through the years I have communicated with a lot of readers and sometimes I manage to catch people who likes to make things up ( believe me - not only teens but people of all ages like to fantasize). I don't think that is the case this time. Something happened in both stories this reader told me but is it paranormal? As always I tried to come up with rational explanations.

About that aeroplane that went backwards. When you are looking at a moving object and it is on the same level as your vision, it might look that it reverses its direction when actually it is turning. I tried to ilustrate this with this picture:

The plane moves from point A through point B to point C. But for a observer on the same level it might looks like it moves from A to B and then in the opposite direction back to point A.

About the cats. They are strange and temperamental animals. They may change their behavior for no reason. I have had a lot of cats through my life and I have seen how a cat temper change. So in this story all might be just normal.

Still is there a posibility that we are dealing with something extraordinary here? Is it possible that this is a case of years long alien observations (abductions?) of this girl? Did the cat sense it? I wonder are there any famous abduction cases in which some animals take important part (besides owls that propably are false memories hiding aliens) ? I remember one case that I read in a bulgarian UFO book. I think it happened in Russia and almost the whole forest (including trees) rised up and prevented an abduction from aliens. I am not sure if it is a real story but anyway I will try to find again this case. I have a lot of bulgarian UFO books that describe events from Bulgaria, Russia and Eastern Europe as general and I think a lot of cases are still not known to the english-speaking world.

Anyway, back to this case - does anyone has any suggestions?

BTW I just realised something. This is how the previous article ends:

Next days that girl had strange vivid dreams. Up until that encounter she had nightmares very often. Now they cnanged to strange confusing dreams in which her cat is replaced by a cloning. Other people are repaced too.

Now we have a strange cat behavior for real. WTF!

събота, 6 май 2017 г.

Well, well. "Immortal vampire" injured in the land of vampire slayers

Did you remember the conspirasy theory claiming that Nicolas Cage is an immortal vampire?

Crazy conspiracy theorists think that Nicolas Cage is an immortal vampire … and here’s why

It is all based on one old picture.

And did you know Bulgaria used to be a place where people made sure the dead would not come as vampires? Over 100 graves have been uncovered, revealing skeletons with stakes through their hearts and mutilated bones.

Bulgaria’s Vampire Graveyards

What's the connection between these two articles? Well, something interesting happened at the end of April. It seems quite ordinary but as always we can make a very rich story from it.

Freak accident’ in Bulgaria: Nicolas Cage breaks ankle during movie shoot

After what was described as a “freak accident”, the very active actor was taken to a hospital in Sofia. While the doctors on site wanted to take him to surgery, Nicolas Cage insisted to be flown to Los Angeles, which is where he is now. He basically ran away. Why? Probably he was not sure how good bulgarian doctors are. Or...or he was afraid from something. Who knows maybe vampire hunters are still around in Bulgaria and the accident was not an accident at all....

(picture taken from www.costumemodels.com)

вторник, 31 януари 2017 г.

The controversial Bulgarian prophet Baba Vanga

Baba Vanga (Grandmother Vanga) was a bulgarian clairvoyant well known in Russia and in her own country Bulgaria. In recent years I noticed a lot of articles about her in western news sites as well. Vanga is even called the Nostradamus of the Balkans. According to some the blind prophet foretold 9/11, the 2004 tsunami, the Fukushima disaster and the birth of ISIS. But did she? Let's find out.

Let me start with some bio. Baba Vanga (31 January 1911 – 11 August 1996), born Vangeliya Pandeva Dimitrova, known after her marriage as Vangelia Gushterova, was a blind mystic, clairvoyant, and herbalist, who spent most of her life in the city of Petrich or in Rupite village in the southern mountains of Bulgaria. She was born in Strumica, then in the Ottoman Empire, present day Republic of Macedonia. In her childhood, Vangelia was an ordinary child with brown eyes and blonde hair. According to her own testimony, a turning point in her life occurred when a 'tornado' allegedly lifted her into the air and threw her in a nearby field. She was found after a long search. Witnesses described her as very frightened, and her eyes were covered with sand and dust, she was unable to open them because of the pain. She gradually lost sight.

During World War II, Vanga attracted believers with her ability to heal and soothsay – a number of people visited her, hoping to get a hint about whether their relatives were alive. On 8 April 1942 even the Bulgarian tzar Boris III visited her. In 1942 Vanga married Dimitar Gushterov, a bulgarian soldier who had come asking for the killers of his brother but had to promise her not to seek revenge. He got ill in 1947, fell into alcoholism, and eventually died on 1 April 1962.

She continued to be visited by both important persons and commoners after World War Two. Bulgarian politicians and leaders from different Soviet Republics, even Leonid Brezhnev, sought her counsel. Vanga died on 11 August 1996 from breast cancer.

You can read more about her life in this Wikipedia article.

Baba Vanga's house in Rupite:

Nowadays there is a church dedicated to Baba Vanga. The Church of St Petka was constructed at a site chosen by Baba Vanga in 1992. It should be noted that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church do not approve this temple claiming it is in conflict with canons. Orthodox Church is even harsher toward Vanga herself. In 2011 some priests proclaimed Peter Deunov for a false preacher and Baba Vanga for nothing more that a sorceress. (Note: Peter Deunov is another popular bulgarian from the past, philosopher and spiritual teacher). Nikolay, the well known metropolitan of Plovdiv (quite controversial figure himself) even claimed Vanga was a satanic phenomen.

But was her phenomen at all? It is very hard to say. There are a lot of believers who will fiercely defend her (I put priests in the "believers" as they believe in her powers, they just deny they are from God). There are a lot of sceptics too (myself included). Unfortunately as always after so many years it is hard to separate facts from fiction but let's try to do it anyway.

I had my first doubts about Vanga as a young teenager. It was 1994 and Bulgarian national football team was very successful in 15th FIFA World Cup, held in the the United States. I heard on TV that Vanga had predicted who would reach the final. She said two countries beginning with the letter "B" would be in the final match. At that stage there were only two countries with "B" as a first letter still in the competition - Bulgaria and Brazil. So everyone expected Bulgaria to reach the final. It did not happen. The final match was Brazil vs Italy (Brazil won).

Two years latter Vanga died and the story seemed over. But few years after that I noticed something strange - more and more articles about Vanga started to appear. They were about never heard before predictions of Vanga. Soon I started to notice a pattern. They claimed a lot of past events were predicted by Vanga but almost none of the future predicted events ever came true. I noticed the same pattern in english articles too. Here is an example:

Here are 13 predictions that Baba Vanga made for 2016 and the future

"She is called the Nostradamus of the Balkans, and with good reason. Baba, Vanga, the blind Bulgarian clairvoyant, who died 20 years ago, is believed to have predicted the rise of the ISIS, the fall of the twin towers, the 2004 Tsunami, and the global warming, among a host of other events."

Barack Obama will be the last president of the US: Baba Vanga had predicted that the 44th US president would be an African American, but she had also added that he would be the last one.

Europe will cease to exist: According to Baba Vanga, the continent will cease to exist by 2016, and all that would remain will be empty spaces and wasteland, nearly devoid of any form of life.

Well, it is now 2017 and we know Obama was not the last president of USA and as I live in Europe I can asure you it is still very populated and lively. So what about all those global predictions? Once I talked with someone who have written a book about Baba Vanga and she told me most of the things we see as Vanga's predictions have never been told by her. It is all "fake news".

This is the reason why I stopped to pay attention to any news about Vanga. Still that does not answer the question about her supposed supernatural powers. Were they real? Ordinary people who visited Vanga in the past might give us more accurate picture about her. Unfortunately I haven't met (online and offline) a lot of such people as they are from an older generation. Most of the stories that I have heard are second hand accounts. They are not very convincing.

Here is a quick example. Once I talked with someone who claimed Baba Vanga predicted to his parents that their only son would spent some time in the prison. He really spent some time behind bars and he was firm believer in Vanga (almost as a fanatic). I did not get a lot of info from him. I don't know when he learned about this prediction. Did his parents tell him about that before or after he has been in prison? Did this man learn about the prediction before going to prison? In this case is this a self-fulfilled prophecy? He might lived all his life without too much of a care. Good or bad behavior was not important, prison was ahead no matter what. So maybe he chose the bad but funny way of life. Or maybe his parents told him about the prophecy after he got out of prison? Maybe they just wanted to calm him and it is all a lie made up by them - "you are not guity, this was your fate that cannot be changed, Vanga told us so." I am not claiming that any of this is the real explanation about this case, I am just showing that I still haven't found the smoking gun witness account. The one that will prove Baba Vanga was a real clairvoyant.

Still there are some very interesting stories from ordinary people written in reliable sources. I read about two such cases in the memoirs of Petko Venedikov.

Petko Venedikov (1905-1995) was a very famous and respected bulgarian lawyer, a professor of Roman and civil law, known for his writings on property law, family law, civil process. Not many people know that he was very interested in supernatural as well. He participated in a lot of spiritual seances. This is the part about Baba Vanga that I find interesting:

"There was a lot of talk about famous Vanga from Petrich. I have heard a lot of things about her. But undoubtedly the first credible story was told by my colegue Peter Gerganov, a young lawyer and zealous communist party member. He had visited Vanga twice for a criminal case. First time Vanga said that his client would be sent to prison but for how long she could not tell then. On the day before the trial she said he would be sentenced to two years. This was court verdict as well.
The other case I heard one evening at the office of the late lawyer Komitski. I was already retired and he invited me after work to go to him because he had a jug of good wine. A working woman, forty-five years old, came in the office. Komitski introduced her as a former communist guerilla, now head of a department in "Malchika" factory. She told us the story that follows. After the victory (over the old regime) she and a friend of her passed through Petrich. They have heard a lot about Vanga and they decided to talk to her. Why not? They called her home and Vanga said: "Come in, but leave your guns outside." Vanga told the woman about her family, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. Also Vanga said something like that: "When you were going to a meeting with Tano Tsolov (another guerilla) you slipped into the river ... Since then there is a scar on the handle of your gun." Then Vanga told her: "In your village there is a large tree. On so-and-so feet away a rifle is buried. This rifle belonged to (name withheld) who was killed at (name withheld)." The woman then told us that when they came out she checked her gun and there really was a scar. Then they went to her village and they found the buried riffle."

These two cases are very interesting and I will come to them again later in this article. There are more things about Vanga in the memoirs of Petko Venedikov.

"Two or three years ago when Perestroika started in Russia professor Shipkovenski made a film about Vanga. It showed conversations between Vanga and some people. I noticed that at the beginning Vanga was uncertain about family members of the people and gave some false answers but slowly her answers became more accurate. [ ... ] There were three psychiatrists and two psychologists in the film. To my surprise, they claimed Vanga is a fraud. She used the reactions to the false answers to understand what answer people expect at the end. It was quite absurd. I know that there are magicians in circus who can "read minds" in this way. Tricksters talk to the people and observe their expressions and body language so they can find the correct answer. But none of this was true in the case of Vanga. She is blind."

Today a lot of serious scientists from Bulgaria and Russia continue to doubt Vanga's paranormal abilities. At the end of 2016 I read an article about the russian academician Evgeny Alexandrov and Vanga. This is part of the article:

"Everything is known for Vanga. She was a blind sad woman. But she also was an excellent businesswoman who once managed to turn one of the most backward and obscure places in Bulgaria into a center of pilgrimage for people from all over the world. Do you know who most prayed for her? Taxi drivers, waiters in restaurants and cafes, hoteliers - people who earn good money from the work of the "clairvoyant", said the academician.
According to him, these people (taxi drivers, waiters and so on) were communicating with visitors and then they were giving all the information to Vanga. Then Baba Vanga was telling the same information to her astonished visitors. Alexandrov revealed that there were such "psychics" in Russia too.
Is that all? Was it all just a clever scam? We may never know. Still maybe there is something more that can be added to the story of Baba Vanga, something that is dark and sinister.

There are a lot of rumours, speculations and claims that "Baba Vanga" was actually a project of the bulgarian secret service known as Committee for State Security (ДС). It was a very powerful organization. According to some it did not disband after the fall of the communist regime but transformed and went underground. A lot of people in Bulgaria beleive that today ДС still rules the country behind the scenes. The secret archive of ДС is not fully declassified to this day and it is a source of great controversy. The agency is often incriminated with the ill-famed murder of dissident writer Georgi Markov using a "Bulgarian umbrella" on London's Waterloo Bridge in 1978 and was formerly accused of the 1981 attempt on Pope John Paul II's life. So it was (is?) a very powerful organization that can do with ease something like a large scale social control project. According to this conspiracy theory secret agents used Vanga to spy on people who visited her. They would often tell her things that they wouldn't normally tell anyone else. Conection between ДС and Vanga can be a good explanation for the incredible cases from Petko Venedikov's memoirs. Maybe Vanga knew in advance what will be the prison sentence of the accused man, agents have told her. And maybe "the buried rifle" is just a legend created by the secret service. This story was told by an ex-guerilla and as a devoted supporter of the regime she would tell everything that agents wanted from her. Still I don't say that this is how thing happened but it is a possible scenario.

So is it Baba Vanga a real prophet at the end? Hard to tell. Maybe we will know much more about her one day when all secret archives are declassified. When this finally happens (if ever) we will know much more about another strange events from the past too. Like what the military found in 1990 when they dug deep into the so called "Hole of Tsarichina".

понеделник, 2 януари 2017 г.

Possible UFO / abduction case - December 8th, 2016

This was told to me by the girl that experienced those strange events. They took place in the evening of December 8th last year. Location is a small village near The Black Sea.

"While I was going home I saw a lot of small stars together in one place. They did not have the distance that stars usually have between them. They did not move and they were like normal stars except that they were small and close together. Something strange happened after that".

My question: Did you have missing time?

"I don't know about missing time but I saw a small screech-owl hanging from an electric wire. I went under it to see it better. The owl was from those that are described as "shrouded". I didn't see any brown on it, it was all white. We looked at each other for some time then the bird flew away. I kept looking at it. A second latter it suddenly disappeared. I had to idea where it went. It didn't turn, it flew straight forward and just vanished".

My question: Maybe it disappeared in the dark?

"It wasn't very dark, there was a street lamp there. It was around 20:40".

These are drawings of the stars. The girl made 3 drawings because she was unsure how exactly they looked.

My question: Did you hear any humming noise (I was thinking - maybe it was a drone)?

No, it was unusually quiet. Even the dogs didn't bark.

Next days that girl had strange vivid dreams. Up until that encounter she had nightmares very often. Now they cnanged to strange confusing dreams in which her cat is replaced by a cloning. Other people are repaced too.

This case is described in bulgarian here.